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  3. 2009年クリスマス・パーティー


2009年12月9日(水) 開催終了

  • パーティー
  • 活動報告


パーティーは6時30分のウェルカム・ドリンクに始まり、7時には司会の荒井宗羅理事が開会アナウンスをして、高橋雅ニ会長の開会挨拶に続いて、上田前駐豪大使に乾杯の発声をしていただいた。続いて司会者が大使館からの来賓を紹介した。そのあと、テーブル着席のディナーが催され、ミシュラン1つ星シェフ指導によるオージー・ビーフとニュージーランド・ラムがバンブー・レストランのフルコース・ディナーのメインとしてテーブルに供された。オージー・ビーフおよびニュージーランド・ラムは持ち込みで料理してもらったものであるが、後者はANZCO Foods Japan から無賞提供されたものであった。また、ハウス・ワインに加えて両国のワインを調達して提供した。ディナーの間、バンブーの竹内社長の招待で出演したホキ徳田さんがピアノの弾き語りで往年の懐かしい数々の名曲を歌って聴衆の拍手を浴びた。





Christmas Party of Japan Australia New Zealand Society (JANZ) was held on December 9, 2009 at the Bamboo Restaurant in Omote Sando. Counsellor Peter Roberts and Counsellor Nancy Gordon from the Australian Embassy and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pearson the Minister and Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Corbett the First Secretary from the New Zealand Embassy were the main guests together with Mr. and Mrs. Ueda, the former Japanese Ambassador to Australia, Mrs. Masami Suzuki, President of JANZ Ladies’Group and the JANZ members and guests who were 58 in all.

The party began at 6:30 p.m. with the welcome drinks followed by the opening speech by Mr. Masaji Takahashi, President of JANZ and a toast by Mr. Ueda, the former Ambassador to Australia. The guests from the Embassies were introduced by the MC, Ms. Sola Arai, Director of JANZ. Sitting full course dinner organized by Michelin 1 Star Chef was served with the Aussie beef and New Zealand lamb as the main dish. The New Zealand lamb was offered by the ANZCO Foods Japan. During the dinner Ms. Hoki Tokuda, former wife of Henry Miller, who was invited by the owner of Bamboo Restaurant, Mr. Takeuchi, played the piano and sang popular oldies and Christmas tunes which created the festive atmosphere in the room.

Around 8 o’clock, professional dancing was demonstrated by Mr. and Mrs. Ito. Dance time followed after that and the dance floor was crowded by dance lovers, some of them partnered by the professional dancers.

After the excitement of dancing, Bingo Game was performed by Mr. Hiroto and Ms. Higa. All the attendants bought 2 bingo cards. There were plenty of prizes donated by the Directors of JANZ and sponsor firms. The premier prizes were three pieces of Obi donated by Mr. Ito, Director of JANZ and organizer of the Christmas Party. Bingo Game aroused plenty of excitement in the party.

The next JANZ event will be the New Year Party which will be presided by Prince Katsura, the honorary president of JANZ, to be held at the Australian Embassy on January 21, 2010. Australian and New Zealand Ambassadors will be the main guests of honor.


