2009年12月3日(木) 開催終了
パーティーは6時30分のウェルカム・ドリンクに始まり、7時には荒井宗羅理事が開会アナウンスをして、高橋雅ニ会長の開会挨拶に続いて、ワトソン二等書記官、キャメロン二等書記官がそれぞれ流暢な日本語で挨拶した。続いて司会者が大使館からの来賓およびJANZ Ladies‘Groupの鈴木正美会長を紹介した。次いで、長谷川和年前JANZ会長が、2年振りのクリスマス・パーティーの開催を祝う言葉を述べ、乾杯の発声を行った。そのあと、テーブル着席のディナーが催され、ミシュラン1星シェフ指導によるオージー・ビーフとニュージーランド・ラムがバンブーのフルコース・ディナーのメインとしてテーブルに供された。オージー・ビーフおよびニュージーランド・ラムは持ち込みで料理してもらったものであるが、後者はANZCO Foods Japan から無償提供されたものであった。また、ハウス・ワインに加えて両国のワインを調達して提供した。
JANZ Christmas Party, 2008
Japan Australia New Zealand Society held a Christmas Party on December 3, 2008 at the Bamboo Restaurant in Omotesando from 6:30p.m. to 9:30p.m. 56 attendants including the honorary guests from the Australian Embassy, Second Secretaries, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Watson, First Secretary, Ms. Mary McKeown and Mr. Anthony Quinn, Mrs. Kerstin Weber, wife of Counsellor, Mr. Andre Mayne and Ms Grainne O’Sullivan and from the New Zealand Embassy, Mrs. Jenny Cameron, Second Secretary and her husband, Mr. Richard Chapman.
The party began with the announcement by the M.C., Ms. Arai who invited Mr. Masaji Takahshi, President of JANZ for an opening speech. Mr. Watson and Ms. Cameron both spoke in fluent Japanese in response to Mr. Takahashi. Ms. Arai introduced the honorary guests and also Ms. Masami Suzuki, President JANZ Ladies’ Group to the attendants. Then Mr. Kazutoshi Hasegawa, former President of JANZ spoke the words of celebration and presented a toast.
A splendid full course sitting dinner including Aussie beef and New Zealand lamb, prepared by a Michelin 1 star chef of the Bamboo Restaurant was offered at the table.New Zealand lamb chops were provided free of charge by ANZCO Foods Japan. Australian and New Zealand wine were offered besides the house wine.
Around 8p.m., every one enjoyed the dancing demonstration performed by Mr. Hirokazu Ito and Mrs. Yasuko Ito, husband and wife professional duo. Dancing floor became busy with people dancing with the pros and with their partners.
Bingo game was organized by Mr. Hiroto and Ms. Higa. The party got excited for the prizes numbered around 15, The best prize was pair ticket for the Toyota Soccer World Club Championship. The tickets were presented by Toyota Motors who is a corporate member of JANZ.
Mr. Ito who organized the Christmas Party, donated a very expensive Japanese Obi which he would present to the winner of a ‘JANKEN’ match (Stone, Paper, Scissors game) among the ladies. The final winner was Ms. Asako Iizuka, who is operating a consulting office in Australia.
The next event will be the New Year’s Party to be held at the New Zealand Embassy on February 3, 2009. Ambassadors of New Zealand and Australia are scheduled to attend the party.