2025年1月28日(火) 開催終了
駐日ニュージーランド大使 ハミッシュ クーパー氏の特別なお取り計らいにより、同大使館大使公邸にて盛大、かつ和やかに開催が叶いました。心から感謝をいたします。
JANZ は 2028 年に 100 周年を迎える、オーストラリアおよびニュージーランドとの相互理解と友好親善を目的として創立された由緒ある公益社団法人です。
With H.E. Mr Hamish Cooper, the New Zealand Ambassador to Japan’s generous support and understanding,we were able to successfully conduct our 2025 New Year’s Party at the prestigious Ambassador’s Residence.
We would like to express our utmost appreciation to Ambassador Cooper and the New Zealand Embassy.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our guests and members, including those that attended JANZ events for the first time for their attendance as well as their cooperation towards embassy etiquette.
Simultaneously, we sincerely apologize for not being able to accommodate all sign-ups due to the event’s popularity and reaching full capacity before the deadline.
We do hope you enjoy browsing through the post-event photos.
JANZ (Japan-Australia-New Zealand Society Inc.) is a well-established Public Interest Incorporated Association which promotes mutual understanding and friendship between the three countries. In 2028, we will reach a milestone year as JANZ celebrates the centenary of its foundation.
Going forward, we will continue to provide useful and beneficial information, and organize interesting and enjoyable events. Thus, we look forward to seeing many of you at our future events. New members are always welcome as well.
Photography was done by JANZ member TERAKAWA Photo Office.