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  3. クリスマスパーティー2010


2010年12月13日(月) 開催終了

  • パーティー
  • 活動報告









Christmas Party 2010

JANZ Christmas Party was held at the Count Ogasawara’s Residence on
December 13th. The main guest of honor war Dr. Brendon Hammer, Minister of the
Australian Embassy. Ms. Nancy Gordon, Counsellor for public diplomacy and
culture,who was scheduled to leave Japan shortly, attended the party together
with hersuccessor, Mr. Ciaran Chestnutt.

From the New Zealand Embassy, Second Secretary, Mr. Jarrod Cline attended
the party. From the Australian and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Japan
(ANZCCJ), Executive Director, Ms. Katherine Nozaki and Operations Manager, Mr.
Timothy Beck attended.

After the opening speech by the President of JANZ Mr. Masaji Takahashi, Dr.
Hammer made a congratulatory address with the aid of the interpreter. Then, Ms.
Gordon reflected the exchange and activities with JANZ and expressed her
appreciation. The party was started by the congratulatory address and toast by
Ms.Nozaki of ANZCCJ.

60 attendants enjoyed the Australian and New Zealand wine and the fine food
prepared by Michelin-certified chef.

There was a door prize draw which aroused much excitement especially for the
two Japanese Obi presented by JANZ Director, Mr. Ito.

A bouquet of flowers was presented to Ms. Gordon from Mr. Takahashi for
her successful accomplishment as cultural and information attaché, traveling all
overJapan and also for her kind assistance to JANZ.

The party was successfully concluded by the address of Mr. Hiroto, Director of
JANZ in charge of planning and execution of the Christmas Party.,


